Energy Consultancy and Certification
The consultancy, in its multiple aspects, constitutes a dynamic and stimulating field of action that requires excellent communication skills and problem solving. In Plenum Ingenieros, we are specialized in:
It is a comprehensive survey through which the energy situation of the building or industry, the facilities that constitute it and its surroundings are analyzed, comparing changes, actions and modifications in order to obtain a harmonious and optimal set of solutions that lead to a lower energy expenditure with an improvement in the services provided or processes carried out, a greater durability of the equipment and an increase in the comfort sensation of the user.
The main objectives of the project are:
- Know the current energy situation.
- Establish energy indicators and their monitoring.
- Analyse the possibilities of optimising the supply of fuel, electricity and water consumption.
- Propose improvements and carry out their technical and economic evaluation.
- Achieve energy and economic savings.
- Improve the environmental image
Plenum Ingenieros puts at your disposal the best technical equipment for data collection (network analyzers, temperature probes, lux meters, Infrared (IR) Thermal Imager & Visible Light Cameras, thermal transmission coefficient U measurement equipment, etc.).
We have technicians specialised in this area and we have experience since 2007 with extensive training in the different tools available (LIDER, CALENERVYP, CALENER, GT, CE3, CE3X, CERMA, HULC, etc).
We provide a complete service, advising the client in detail both in 3D modeling, construction assemblies of the building envelope, improvement of energy rating, economic viability, etc. We include in the Service the Energy Performance Certificate registration in all the Spanish Autonomous Communities.
We help the client to interpret the results and the energy rating. We have more than 250 references including references as a Business Park in Madrid of 70,000 m2 as well as very unique 3D models.

We inform the client in detail of all subsidies and grants for efficiency and high energy rating at both regional and national level.
Plenum - Ingenieros offers you all its know-how, knowledge and experience for the development of building energy simulation studies (BEM - Building Energy Modeling).
Building energy simulation tools facilitate the evaluation of the thermal behaviour of buildings, considering all the physical parameters that define it.
It allows, among others, to evaluate the energy consumption of a new building, to consider energy improvements in existing buildings after a proper calibration, to achieve the necessary points for the credit 1 of the "LEED energy and atmosphere" or the prerequisite 2 of the "LEED energy and atmosphere" (US green buildinf council).